*Please scroll to the bottom of the page for the English version.*
- 開催情報
大阪大学社会ソリューションイニシアティブ(SSI)とGlobal Sustainability Network(GSN)は、「大阪・関西万博」に向けた「いのち会議」として、3月28日に国際シンポジウムを共催する予定である。当シンポジウムでは、包摂的かつ持続可能な経済成長とすべての人々のために働きがいのある仕事を具現化しようとするSDG8の視点、都市・地域を安全で持続可能なものにしようとするSDG11の視点、パートナーシップによる目標達成の視点を横断し、「いのち」を大切にする社会・経済・空間のあり方を構想することが目的とされている。
なお、本ワークショップは工学研究科地球総合工学専攻による国際交流支援助成の支援を受けている。日時: 10月15日(日) 11時~15時
場所:大阪大学中之島センター いのち共感ひろば
11:00 趣旨説明 松本文子(New-POD/工学研究科 特任准教授)
11:05 話題提供 12分ずつ
・堂目 卓生(SSI長/経済学研究科 教授)
近代の超克 -「誰一人取り残さない」社会とは
・木多 道宏SSI副長、工学研究科地球総合工学専攻企画WG主査・教授)
・伊藤 武志(SSI企画調整室長 教授)
・Scott Cunningham(GSNアドバイザリーボード)
・Seth Asare Okyere(アリゾナ大学 講師)
12:05 昼食
13:00 チームに分かれてディスカッション
14:00 チーム毎のプレゼンテーション
14:30 まとめ
14:40 終了参加者:学生・教員あわせて20〜30名
- Information
International Workshop on Cross-cutting Achievement of the SDGs and Embodiment of the Declaration of Life, Examined from the Multiple Perspectives of Economy, Work, and Community Development
The Osaka University Social Solutions Initiative (SSI) and the Global Sustainability Network (GSN) will co-host an international symposium on March 28 as the “Inochi Conference” for the Osaka-Kansai Expo. The symposium will cross the perspectives of SDG 8, which seeks to realize inclusive and sustainable economic growth and rewarding work for all people, SDG 11, which seeks to make cities and regions safe and sustainable, and the achievement of goals through partnerships.
The objective of the workshop is to envision a society, economy, and space that values “life”. In this workshop, we will discuss activities and visions for the future to realize a society where no one is left behind from the fields of labor, economy, and urban development. The purpose of the workshop is to obtain suggestions on issues and topics to be discussed at the symposium.This workshop is supported by the International Exchange Support Grant from the Division of Global Architecture, Graduate School of Engineering.-= DATE and PLACE =-
11 am to 3 pm on Oct 15th (Sunday) at Osaka University Nakanoshima Center-= GUEST SPEAKERS =-
Seth Asare Okyere, Assistant Professor of Urban Planning,Arizona University
Scott Cunningham, CEO of SDGuild, Advisory board of GSN-= PARTICIPANTS =-
Graduate students and researchers in OU (Max. 30 people )-= REGISTRATION =-
Please fill the form on https://forms.office.com/r/m4rRkzrrsT
and apply before Oct 10th.-= SCHEDULE =-
10:30 Reception start
11:00 Introduction
Ayako Matsumoto (New-POD / Specially Appointed Associate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering)
11:05 Topic Offering
Takuo Dome (Director of SSI and New-POD/ Professor, Graduate School of Economics and Management)
Transcending Modernity – What is a society where “no one is left behind”?
Michihiro Kita(Vice Director of SSI and New-POD /Professor, Graduate School of Graduate School of Engineering)
Visions in Research Division for Future Society that Values Life with a focus on “New Prevention of Disaster”
Takeshi Ito(Professor, Director of Planning and Coordination Office)
SSI Corporate activities, SDGs and ESG
Scott Cunningham, GSN Advisory Board
GSN Overview, and SDG11 Collaboration Opportunities
Seth Asare Okyere, Lecturer, University of Arizona
The Circular Economy in Informal settlements: A Global South perspective
12:05 Lunch
13:00 Discussion in teams
14:00 Presentation by each team
14:30 Wrap up
15:00 End